Thursday, June 16, 2005



Weird. I agree with everything you said. I was more captivated by this film than any in recent memory simply because for the first time in a while, I wasn't processing the film as I watched it. I was able to put my analytical brain aside and just be in this world and be awed by the filmmakers' work. I didn't think David Goyer had it in him!


Wow -- my excitement for this film had been flagging in the past few days (probably because of some of the less-than-thrilled reviews you mentioned) but now I'm psyched again for this Saturday. Thanks!

Eddy Faust

Funny, your glowing review of Batman Begins and your quick thoughts on Revenge of the Sith could be switched and you would have exactly my point-of-view. I guess you're spot on when it comes to these films that echo childhood /adolescent fantasies. Our level of enjoyment depends on how much the film delivered on how we wanted it to be done. Though I was disappointed with the first two SW Prequels, I totally loved Sith and found nothing wrong with it save for a line of dialogue or two. And I couldn't understand any of the negative reviews. It delivered the Star Wars back story I always wanted to see and I think with much style and emotion. This is exactly what you're saying about the new Batman film.

Alas, I was disappointed with Begins. The first hour is nigh flawless; it's EXACTLY the Year One inspired Batman film I always wanted to see. The drama, the directing, the cast. I was totally engrossed. This was the dark, character-driven Batman film I expected from the man who directed Memento. Then the Bat Tank was introduced, Katie Holmes started boring me and by the time we got to the big climax (with two villians crowding out one another and a senseless plot to destroy Gotham) I felt like a different director had taken control of the film: Michael Bay. Didn't you notice that the climax was just a big stupid action film...with horribly shot/edited action sequences. When Batman was fighting on the runaway train I was like: What the hell is happening? What happened to this movie? Nolan can direct psychological drama, but he can't do action. Maybe I'm spoiled by years of watching Hong Kong action-films...who knows? But the thing was a big convoluted mess at the end, fueled by big explosions. And even with it's many flaws and Joker hamming, Burton's film just had more atmosphere. I missed that Batmobile sweeping through the dark forest to Elfman's score. And Keaton is still best in the suit, although I'll give you that Bale is easily the best Bruce Wayne.

Oh yeah, and Gary Oldman was great as Gordon.

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